Aiyub Khan

Software / Engineer

“Software development is the process of creating a computer software. It includes preparing a design, coding the program, and fixing the bugs. The final goal of software development is to translate userneeds to software product, while continuously improving the team and the process. Software architecture is the set of design decisions “!

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My Speciality

Software Development
Ethical Hacking


UI/UX Design

“Good design is like a refrigerator—when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.”

Web Design

“Remember, the web isn't about control. If a visitor to your site is familiar with using a browser's native form doodad.”

Web Development

“We love what we do and we do what our clients love & work with great clients all over the world to create websites.”

Graphics Design

“Effective problem solving in design requires a balance of strategy and spontaneity, intelligence and creativity.”

SEO Marketing

“SEO is an investment just like a tree that needs effort, patience and time to grow before you can see the result.”

Ethical Hacking

"Are you an aspiring Hacker like me? Well, to become a Hacker you need skills, a strong presence these hacking."



My Creation Demo


Phone :
+91 7607914635

Address :
127 , Fatehpur, Bindki, Lalauli Road , India

Email :